Monday, January 28, 2019

One of the Leading Portland CNA Staffing Agencies Shares the Difference Between part-time and Per Diem

When it comes down to your work schedule, you want flexibility. You may have just become a new parent and want to stay at home more, but you don’t want to lose your license either with CNA jobs in Portland, OR. part-time or per diem positions are an easy way to keep an active license while still getting to have the flexibility to enjoy your new little one or enjoy other parts of your life.
What is the difference between the two? You need to know which one to choose as the best fit for your life.


Of course, part-time hours are determined by your employer and can determine if you are eligible for benefits or not. part-time workers are normally on the schedule but do not work as many shifts as a full-time worker. Hours are figured out by the status you were hired on for and the FTE (full-time Equivalent) position. If there is a small census, you’d receive credits for any time not worked for FTE to keep your part-time status. Remember that you may get more time with family, friends, or furthering education, but you may have to pay more of your health care benefits since you aren’t full-time.

Per Diem

Per diem employment means as you are needed. You won’t be promised any hours, and you may work fewer hours than a full-time employee. You may or may not have benefits. A per diem employee can be hired as a 0.1 FTE and work full-time, but your status will still be per diem. Per diem staff are substituting for other nurses who call in sick, are out on FMLA, or take a vacation. You may work a full 40-hour week. The next week, you may work no hours. The downside to per diem is that a low census does not exist. You get more flexibility with your hours and higher pay; but if you need more income, you may need more than one per diem job to maintain that income explains Portland CNA staffing agencies.


What should you ask yourself when thinking about part-time or per diem employment options? You’ll want to think about how much income you need every week. You’ll also have to make the decision about how much you want to pay towards healthcare benefits. If you choose per diem, you need to know if the hourly pay will cover your expenses and if you’ll be fine now being promised hours every week. Per diem workers also need to have more open availability than a part-time worker explains a nurse staffing agency in Portland.

Express Healthcare Professionals in Tualatin, OR is one of the top Full-Service Nursing Agencies that progressively surpasses expectations by placing clinical staff in per diem and contract positions throughout the Greater Portland area and across the nation.

Express Healthcare Professionals
7401 SW Washo Ct #101
Tualatin, OR 97062
(503) 612-1550